Retouching for 20+ Brand Company

Retouching for 20+ Brand Company

Brand: Bestseller

Vertical: Apparel


Founded: 1975

Pixelz helped with:
Color Change
High image production

Anders Tvede Pleth
We evaluated the vendor longlist on several parameters... Are they agile? Are they fast in training processes? And so on. That is why Pixelz is our vendor today.
Anders Tvede Pleth

Category Manager


BESTSELLER is one of the leading fast-fashion companies in the world, with a range of more than 20 individual fashion brands. BESTSELLER brands and products are available online, in about 3000 branded chain stores, and in 15,000 multi-brand and department stores across most of Europe, The Middle East, North and South America, and India.



What do you look for when you're sourcing IT partners?

First and foremost, they need to support our strategic goals, which are to provide and maximize value to our business. Bestseller is an umbrella covering 12 brands. We need to support these brands with the best possible solutions, so that they can maximize value and sell as much clothes as possible. The partner should be able to deliver the solution in a fast and efficient manner.

Lastly, they will need to be the best source from a TCO perspective, the total cost of ownership perspective. That means that if we make a deal for three years, we look at the total cost, and not just the initial cost for the first year. We look at the total cost of the collaboration. That’s basically what we are looking for when we are sourcing IT partners.

You factor technology into TCO (total cost of ownership)?

Yes, definitely. Pixelz has production in Asia, and a lot of other quite similar companies also have production in Asia; you could source and just say “let’s go for the lowest price,” but that’s not the whole truth.

You also need to look at the tools around these jobs and not only go for one thing. For example, we can implement Pixelz recoloring solution on the medium term in all our brands so they can also benefit from these innovative solutions being provided.

"You could source and just say ‘let’s go for the lowest price,’ but that’s not the whole truth. You also need to look at the tools around these jobs."

How does Pixelz fit into your sourcing strategy?

To start, we went through a full scope tendering process before we signed the deal with Pixelz. We had the opportunity to evaluate both Pixelz and other potential partners in the branch.

We evaluated the vendor longlist on several parameters. For example, the fit to Bestseller: Are they agile? Are they fast in training processes, and so on? That is why Pixelz is our vendor today. They fit, definitely fit our sourcing strategy based on all the parameters we evaluate our vendors on.


Where do you see the most value for Bestseller from Pixelz?

I think it’s around the IT processes and IT tools. For example, we have right now one brand going live with new features regarding color changes to styles. We are utilizing Pixelz to disrupt how we’re doing things today, because the traditional way to color change styles would be to do it manually.

"Doing color changes in a more innovative way that focuses on the possibilities of IT and new functionalities is a great example of where we see Pixelz providing value to Bestseller."

How easy is communication with Pixelz?

Communication with Pixelz is overall easy and smooth. We have a Customer Success Manager responsible for Bestseller and all our brands. Each brand has direct access to the Manager, meaning that they can just pick up the phone and call if they have questions or if they need any quick guidance: maybe there’s a problem in production or something that Pixelz needs to be aware of.

"I would definitely recommend Pixelz."

The feedback I got from our business and our brands is that they are using our Customer Success Manager a lot. That’s the main communication between Pixelz and Bestseller, on the level between the Manager and our brands. That’s important to have a successful relationship, because it is actually 12 different companies within one company that Pixelz are dealing with. It’s nice to see that Pixelz is aware of this and has dedicated these resources to Bestseller.

Do you see value for Bestseller in Pixelz CSR?

Yes. As part of the tender process we went through, we had a go/ no-go decision around the CSR because Bestseller has a very strict CSR policy.

We have a lot of focus on CSR, and as Pixelz and Bestseller have production and vendors in the same countries in Asia, it’s very important to us that the CSR policy of Pixelz reflects the one of Bestseller.

We have put a lot of energy and effort in evaluating the CSR and investigating if are there any areas of concern. We are all very satisfied with the CSR policy.

"We have put a lot of energy and effort in evaluating the CSR and investigating if there are any areas of concern. We are all very satisfied with the CSR policy."

Would you recommend Pixelz?

Yes, definitely. I think Pixelz is the right choice for businesses dealing with high numbers of pictures in production.

Pixelz is not the lowest cost isolated on a task. You can get it cheaper, but of course there’s also a quality perspective. If you have a big production, you should take advantage of all these IT tools Pixelz is providing.

I would definitely recommend Pixelz, yes.