What’s New
Custom Background
We’ve added different background colors in CloseUp so it’s easy to see what your product images will look like in different environments. Have a white background on your PDP? Now you can see exactly what your image will look like.

Thumbnail Gallery in CloseUp
You may have already noticed that when you are reviewing images in CloseUp there is now a thumbnail gallery. We hope this makes it easier to navigate to different images or compare images of the same order.

New Tools in MarkUp UI
We released new tools on the MarkUp. You can now delete individual markups using the eraser tool. If you are trying to erase the only markup left on an image, you will be asked to confirm to ensure that you want to delete the comment as well.
Another new tool we introduced to MarkUp is the Eyedropper tool. You can now measure the RGB and HEX values of a specific pixel based on the mouse position.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Find the complete list of all our keyboard shortcuts below or find them anytime inside Closeup by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner.
Right Arrow: Move to next imageLeft Arrow: Move to previous image
Z: Open zoom mode
Alt+Z: Hold down ALT to zoom out
Mouse Wheel Up: Zoom in
Mouse Wheel Down: Zoom out
S: Open/close markup
A: Go to the previous version
D: Go to the next version
W: Switch between Original/Final Version
W: Overlay with original version
C: Enter/close color proofing mode
Ctrl+Z: Undo
T: Open add comment
B: Open pencil mode
P: Open line mode
Delete: Remove selected marking
Tab: Focus text area
H: Open Grab & Pan mode
Middle Mouse Click hold: Grab & Pan mode
Shift: Draw a line
Esc: Close
Zoom and Pan
Need to inspect some details? We’ve made sure to make it intuitive to zoom in to check details on both the before and after of an image. Pressing the Shift Key and zoom in, zoom out or panning on one image will be applied to both images. Now you can see if that stray thread was retouched to perfection.